joi, aprilie 25, 2024
ACTUALITATESUA | Guvernul Joe Biden înființează o comisie de combatere a dezinformării,...

SUA | Guvernul Joe Biden înființează o comisie de combatere a dezinformării, la nivel național. Reacții virulente din tabăra conservatoare: Nu e posibil să înființezi un Minister al Adevărului

Departamentul Securității Naționale (DHS) organizează și înființează o comisie care să combată „dezinformarea” în mediul online din Statele Unite, a anunțat șeful DHS, Alejandro Mayorkas.

Acesta a argumentat că noua Comisie va ajuta la reducerea amenințărilor la adresa Statelor Unite și se va concentra pe migrația ilegală și Rusia, a scris Politico.

Noua șefă a comisiei va fi Nina Jankovicz (foto), un expert de la Centrul Woodrow Wilson, care studiază „intersecția democrației cu tehnologia în Centrul și Estul Europei”. Ea a fost un consilier pe probleme de comunicare strategică în Guvernul Ucrainei.

Citești și ajuți! Cumpără cartea: Să nu trăim în minciună. Un manual pentru disidenții creștini, de Rod Dreher, vei contribui la susținerea libertății ideilor și implicit, a siteului R3media.

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Așa cum era de așteptat, critici foarte dure au venit dinspre tabăra conservatoare. Guvernatorul Floridei, Ron de Santis, a asemuit noul organism cu „Ministerul Adevărului”, din cartea „1984” a lui George Orwell.

Guvernatorul a spus că noua măsură a administrației Biden este echivalentul unui război împotriva criticilor venite din zona conservatoare.

„Nu putem avea un minister al adevărului în această țară. N-o să-l lăsăm pe Joe Biden să scape cu una ca asta. O să ne opunem”, a zis el, citat de Florida Politics.

„Ceea ce vor să facă este să aibă posibilitatea să arunce narațiuni false fără să existe posibilitatea de a-i contrazice. Vor să poată acuza de „conspirație rusească” și să perpetueze falsuri și să reducă la tăcere oameni ca noi”, a continuat De Santis.

El a numit-o pe noua șefă, Nina Jankovicz, drept o „avocată a carantinelor Covid, care a expus dezinformări despre laptopul lui Hunter Biden și a susținut teorii conspiraționiste despre lucrături rusești”.

„Statul Florida respinge această comisie”, a tunat de Santis.

La rândul său, Tucker Carlson, cel mai popular realizator de televiziune din Statele Unite a spus că ceea ce se întâmplă pare extras dintr-o „ficțiune distopică: Dar nu, se întâmplă chiar acum în fața noastră”.

Carlson a spus că „acum e momentul să desenăm o linie roșie. Nu, Joe Biden, nu poți avea un minister al adevărului finanțat din fonduri federale și nu, Nina Jankovicz nu îl poate conduce. Punct”.

Mișcarea vine pe fondul cumpărării gigantului Twitter de către Elon Musk, care se suspectează că va permite libertarea de exprimare pe rețeaua respectivă.



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  1. Ca să faceți o comparație între ce scrie d-l Ursan și ce ar trebui să scrie:

    (Gilbert Doctorow este doctor în istorie – american – și vorbitor de rusă.)

    Gilbert Doctorow
    Dateline: April 21, 2022 • International relations, Russian affairs
    “They must be out of their minds”: how the Collective West is stumbling towards nuclear Armageddon

    gilbertdoctorow Uncategorized 4 Minutes

    I have in past weeks focused attention on the political talk show “Evening with Vladimir Solovyov,” calling it the best of its kind on Russian state television and a good indicator of the thinking of Russia’s political elites. However, it is time to admit that in terms of overall quality of presentation, level of invited panelists and screening of videos of topical developments in the West to inform the panelist discussion, Solovyov is now being outdone by Vyacheslav Nikonov’s “Great Game” talk show.

    “The Great Game” in the past featured live discussion with its anchor in Washington, director of the National Interest think tank, Dmitry Simes. Now Simes is a rare guest, and the panel format more closely resembles that of other political talk shows, with the following notable qualification: the host, Nikonov, is an unusually gifted moderator, who does not impose his views on the panel and brings out the best from his panelists. Nikonov is a leading member of the Russian parliament from the ruling United Russia party, and has broad experience running parliamentary committees. As the grandson of Bolshevik revolutionary Molotov, he happens also to be a member of the hereditary ruling clans and practices ‘noblesse oblige’ in his public service work.

    It bears mention that alongside the Solovyov show and the widely viewed Sixty Minutes talk show of Yevgeny Popov and Olga Skabeyeva, ‘The Great Game’ has evolved from a once or twice weekly event to a virtually daily affair, indeed with a couple of afternoon and evening time slots as justified by fast moving current events.

    Notwithstanding the foregoing, Vladimir Solovyov has at least one advantage making it worthwhile to tune in. To my knowledge, he is the only host to go outside the usual circuit of ‘talking heads’ from universities, think tanks and the Duma. Solovyov regularly features a bona fide top manager in the arts who rubs shoulders daily with the ‘creative classes’ and shares with the audience what he hears from them. I have in mind Mosfilm general director Karen Shakhnazarov.


    Over the course of the past six weeks, I have several times pointed to the changing mood of Shakhnazarov with respect to the ‘special military operation in Ukraine.’ At first he was buoyant, then he was fearful that the operation was going badly and running out of control, and finally he appeared to be ‘all in,’ looking for ways for Russia to win decisively and quickly.

    Last night, we heard from yet another mood swing. I bring it to the attention of readers, because it has great relevance to the current complete passivity of our general public in the face of some very peculiar policy decisions with respect to Russia being made at the highest levels in the USA and in Europe, with zero public consultation so far.

    To be specific, Shakhnazarov expressed amazement and deep worry that Western leaders have literally ‘lost their minds’ by pursuing measures to destabilize Russia in the hope of precipitating the overthrow of Vladimir Putin and maybe even the disintegration of Russia in a way similar to the dissolution of the USSR in late 1991. Shakhnazarov remarked that total absence of common or any other sense in Joe Biden is to be expected because of his health (read: senility). But his jaw dropped when he heard that the Chancellor of Germany, Olaf Scholz, declared a couple of days ago that “Russia must not be allowed to win this war!” Where are his brains? Shakhnazarov asked rhetorically.

    The point of Shakhnazarov’s reasoning is as follows: Russia is the world’s leading power in terms of nuclear arms. An overthrow of Putin would lead to chaos, and very likely to genuine radicals assuming power. Their aggressive inclinations for policy to the West would be underpinned by the vast majority of the Russian population, which, in Shakhnazarov’s view, is now overcome with pure hatred for the West brought on by the sanctions, by the rampant Russophobia that is now public policy in Europe and the USA. If the conflict should escalate to the use of tactical nuclear missiles and beyond, then Russia would no longer limit its strikes to military installations but will happily target all capitals and population centers in Europe and, we may assume, in North America. In a word, Shakhnazarov equates destabilization of Russia with nuclear Armageddon.

    I repeat, these are the fears of a highly responsible and publicly visible Russian general manager in the arts. Is anybody in the West with comparable standing even beginning to imagine the coming catastrophe let alone speak out about it?

    Before closing, I redirect attention to a major newsworthy development in Russia yesterday afternoon which even our Western media have reported on this morning: the test launch of Russia’s new Sarmat ICBM, which sets new records for speed, distance, destructive force of its MIRV warheads and, surely most important, imperviousness to all known and projected anti-missile systems in the West. Part of the invulnerability of the Sarmat is a function of its range, which extends to every point on planet Earth. Sarmat’s trajectory can be set as best suits its undetectability. For example, it can hit the USA by approach via the South Pole, thereby evading American tracking systems, which look to attack from the Northwest. The Sarmat’s 7 or 15 nuclear warheads can each also evade ABM systems and head for target at hypersonic speeds.

    Starting in September, the Sarmat will be installed in silos till now housing the world’s most powerful ICBM, the Voevoda, which will be gradually retired and redeployed as launchers for commercial satellites.

    In his words of congratulations to the designers, project developers, and manufacturers of the Sarmat, President Putin stressed the importance of the new armaments as Russia’s dissuasion directed against those in the West who would threaten the country militarily. Is anybody listening?

    In fulfillment of my mission to bring to Western readers news items of particular importance in Russian media about which they otherwise would likely be clueless, I direct attention to information released on the Interfax website and carried by and other major Russian news portals: the head of Russian External Intelligence (SVR), Sergei Naryshkin, has spoken out about Poland’s plans to take control of part of the territory of Ukraine.

    According to SVR, Poland is coordinating this issue with the United States. The idea is to establish military and political control by Warsaw over the “its historic territories” which today fall within the boundaries of Ukraine. Poland would introduce its troops into the Western regions of the country under cover of a mission to “protect the territory from Russian aggression.” Eventually, this would be expected to lead to a partition of Ukraine. The Poles would install a friendly government in the territory they control, ousting the Ukrainian nationalists.

    Of course, the Polish ambitions in Western Ukraine are as well-founded historically as are Russia’s with respect to Eastern Ukraine, which was once known as New Russia. Western followers of the war will now know for certain where the city of Lviv is located – 50 km or less from the Polish border. It is the city to which American and other foreign diplomats withdrew after Kiev seemed unsafe in the early days of the war. It has been the marshaling point for incoming foreign mercenaries and deliveries of military supplies to Ukraine from the West.

    Following the three partitions of Poland in the 18th century and for the entire period of the 19th century, Lviv alias Lvov alias Lemberg, was a Polish city within the Austro-Hungarian Empire known for its splendid Central European architecture and philosophical bent: the city was home to mystical religious sects, both Jewish and Christian.

    Indeed, if we want to trace back in history the sources of the present conflict in and over Ukraine, we necessarily find ourselves going back even earlier into the 16th and 17thcenturies, when the Great Powers of the day, Ottoman Turkey, Poland, Sweden and Russia were all engaged in warfare over lands that figure in modern-day Ukraine. For a good initiation into the culture, or perhaps better to say the barbarism of those days, which prefigure what is now going on in places like Bucha, a good place to start is with the novella Taras Bulba by the Ukrainian-Russian author Nikolai Gogol. I just re-read it in Russian and I assure you the novel is a splendid initial guide to understanding the passions of the present day.

    However, none of the foregoing takes into account the military powerhouse that Russia is today. We may take the possibility of a Polish move of its forces into the Western Ukraine as the kind of intervention that Vladimir Putin had in mind when he said yesterday to legislators gathered in St Petersburg that it would provoke a lightning fast counter blow by Russia. Meanwhile, a similar possible intervention by Romania in swallowing up Moldova and threatening to overrun the Russian separatist territory of Transnistria which is sandwiched between Moldova and Ukraine, could also spark a powerful military response from Moscow.

    The mainspring of history is unwinding spasmodically and destructively.

    ©Gilbert Doctorow, 2022

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    Întrebați-l pe d-l Ursan de ce nu scrie niciodată despre așa ceva, de ce nu citește/citează ȘI Stânga americană – adică ori noi ori „publicul occidental”, aceeași apă de ploaie ? Nu vrea să știm ce ni se pregătește ? Dar R3Media, în totalitatea sa ? Dar AUR ? Crede AUR că „Nu ne băgăm în transferul de arme și războiul altora” va fi suficient ?


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