Astăzi ministrul migrației Alex Hawke a anulat viza lui Novak pentru Australia invocând „motive de sănătate și ordine”. Nole ar fi trebuit să fie la antrenamente chiar acum pentru turneul ce începe luni. Dar sistemul vrea să dea o lecție, sinergia din jurul cauzei tenismenului l-a speriat.
Ca să îl parafrazez pe CTP, cazul Djokovici se vrea un exemplu de „cumințire“ pentru cei ce au o privire critică față de vaccinuri, față de politica sanitară la nivel global. Novak ajuns pe teren ar fi devenit victoria unui om liber împotriva sistemului opresiv. Chiar dacă sportivul a învins în justiție iar Guvernul australian a fost obligat să achite cheltuielile de judecată, șicanele au continuat, iată că face tot ce e posibil să nu ajungă pe teren.
Nu toți putem fi verticali ca Djokovici, nu avem în spatele nostru un președinte care să ne susțină, un patriarh care să ne pomenească personal, avocați care să intervină juridic. Vorbeam cu un apropiat, șeful i-a spus să nu vină la serviciu nevaccinat până luni. Om cu familie, poate cu rate la bancă. Altcineva a dat la a doua facultate dar nu este primit la cursuri și a cumulat absențe, se gândește să renunțe. Cât mai contează un părinte care nu poate munci pentru copiii lui, un student fără certificat care nu este primit să învețe? Aceasta este lumea noastră hipercivilizată? Este semnul sălbăticirii față de aproape și noi am cunoscut aceasta în istoria recentă. Este semnul fiarei din noi.
Dar sistemul deja a pierdut, Nole a devenit un simbol. Chiar dacă vremurile sunt tulburi, ne putem susține unul pe altul. Este vremea solidarității cum am mai spus/scris, pe sechelele acestei crize sociale se ridică mugurii unui realism, al respectului fiecărei persoanei. Până la a salva planeta să salvăm demnitatea aproapelui, drepturile lui de bază: dreptul de a munci, de a circula, de a fi liber. Sus să avem inimile, jos privirile, spre cei ce au nevoie de noi!
Romania va fi respectata cand nu vom mai avea indivizi precum CTP.
Welcome to Australia, mate! Jab or jail? – NewsEnglish – on “What is it about champions and their stubborn refusal to roll over and do what everyone else is doing? Most of us have been coerced, and so Novak should be coerced too. It’s (now) the Australian way. And, of course, when everyone has been coerced, it’s much easier to imagine that no one has been coerced. Wasn’t Novak told that ‘we’re all in this together’ (except for the 10 per cent of Australians who are not in this with all of us together)? Apart from those 2.5 million unvaccinated Australians (whom we shall never speak of again), the rest of us have agreed, ‘no jab, no job’ – and so should the Serb”, the columnist says ironically.
“Respect is a two-way street, you see. Novak should respect Australians by dropping this nonsense about human rights and bodily autonomy. And we’d respect him in return if he played along with our demands. That’s how respect works. As for all the mumbo jumbo about ‘informed consent’ – does Novak want to hit tennis balls or not? Informed consent is for medical ethicists and debt-ridden philosophy students. Get the vaccine or spend the rest of your life under police guard in one of our refugee camps watching Nadal win the championship. There’s your choice. Oh, welcome to Australia, mate!”, the Australian concludes.
a tennis tournament for all the best players in the world (except for the best player in the world), which would have made it a tournament for the best vaccinated players in the world. The AVP (Association of Vaccinated Professionals) Grand (socially-distanced) Slam? Why not? It’s the way of the future, and tennis must move with the times. Next year we could seed players according to their social credit score. If you’re a thrice-vaxxed, hybrid Prius driving LGBTQ ally, you could get a wildcard entry regardless of your tennis prowess. The real issue is that we’ve already got half a million cases of Covid thanks to fully vaccinated travellers who arrived here from overseas. And that’s precisely why Novak should have been fully vaccinated when he arrived here from overseas”.
But here’s the other point made by The Australian’s columnist: allowing an unvaccinated Novak to play at the Australian Open endangers lives. (Yes, he really said that.) With more than 37,000 new Covid cases in 90 per cent vaccinated Victoria just yesterday, it is hard to argue that an unvaccinated tennis player is a threat to public health. But that doesn’t mean we won’t. What if a supremely fit and healthy Novak was to transmit the virus he doesn’t have to fully vaccinated and recently boosted masked people sitting at a safe distance in the stands?
Whatever the legal issues of the Novak case, it should be obvious that this crisis has zero to do with a proportionate response to a genuine health risk. It is about political appearances and the promotion of compliance with rules for their own sake as a virtue of the highest order.